Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Save Money & Energy with Heated Floors

Did you know radiant floor heating is the most energy-efficient method of space heating? Heated floors use radiant heat transfer to warm up the floor, as well as the people and objects in a room, so you can experience optimal comfort and energy savings. If you're not already using heated floors in your home, it's about time you replace your forced air or baseboard system with underfloor heating. Here are some ways you can save money and energy with heated floors

Minimize Heat Loss
With baseboard and forced air heating systems, energy can be lost through ducts. Underfloor heating systems don’t use air ducts or other mechanical equipment that can result in heat loss. Heat loss is also greater in conventional systems because the heat is concentrated at the top half a room, where heat loss is highest. Heated floors, however, don't cause heat to rise to the ceiling and instead evenly distribute warmth throughout the bottom half of a space.

Lower Your Thermostat
As just described, heat doesn't rise to the ceiling with heated floors. Instead, heat is kept where it's needed most—on the people in the room. This efficient distribution of heat allows a home's occupants to feel more comfortable with their thermostat set to a lower temperature. According to the Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), radiant floor heating allows people to be comfortable at temperatures 6 to 8 degrees F lower than conventional systems like forced air and baseboard heat. 

Heat Your Home in Zones
With heated floors you can set different areas of your home to different temperatures, depending on how often they're used. For instance, you can apply more heat to high-traffic rooms, such as the living room, bedrooms, bathroom and entryways, and lower the thermostat in low-traffic spaces. 

Utilize Off-Peak Energy Costs 
Your electric company may offer cheaper rates for off-peak usage. Take advantage of these lower rates by heating up your floor during off-peak hours, such as overnight, and then turning it off during the day. Once it's warmed up, your floor will retain the heat throughout the day and periodically release it even if the system is turned off. 

These are some ways you can save money and energy with heated floors. Visit us online at www.ThermoSoft.com to learn more about radiant floor heating.

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